Thursday, February 28, 2008

Words & Actions

Heeeeey! I know I haven't posted since Christmas and I don't want to hear any crap about it (Shauna). I have been very busy with this thing called life but I did promise myself (and some other people) that I would try to blog more. At least once a is very therapeutic.

I have recently had some really crazy things happen in my life which have gotten me thinking about how important our words and actions truly are. Everyone that reads this blog is at least 21 years or older so this should be relevant. At what age do you start to really feel comfortable enough in your skin to really be yourself? For some of us, we get to that point with age and others get there through experiences. For me, once I became a mother, I realized I don't owe anyone anything besides the truth and I really stopped caring what people thought about me so much. I think there is a huge chunk of freedom in getting to this point because at the end of the day no one can be mad at you for being yourself. Like my pastor says, "Noone has a heaven or to hell to put you in" besides God.

In essence, I'm saying don't feel like you have to lie, cheat, or lose sleep concerning yourself with other people. Live your life, do you and you will be free. I know this blog was random, but I'm growing so I have a lot of random thoughts. And this is my damn blog so I can type whatever I want. Lol!